
Ignoring deadlines, I dragged my exhausted self and an almost equally exhausted HH down to walk along the beachfront this morning. Good idea, the light on the sea was simply beautiful and the walk made us both feel much better (well, HH might not agree).

Stopped to buy bread and fruit on the way home, in a supermarket supposedly set up to launder money that I don't usually frequent. However, having discovered that they're selling wonderful bread called Sacadura that we haven't seen for years, my steps may well stray that way again.

In the fruit shop I was fascinated by a conversation between a young man and the cheery girl behind the cash desk. "The thing is to put some money away", he said, "cos I know I'm not going to last long". He said that so many times that I couldn't resist asking why he didn't think he'd make old bones.

"Cos I'm in the Civil Police", was the answer. When I asked why he didn't choose a safer profession (over 100 policemen must have been killed here since the beginning of the year, and considerably more in São Paulo), he replied that it was "in the blood". Seems he comes from a long line of policemen and can't imagine doing anything else. My arguments made no impression, so we both went our separate ways. But it did leave me wondering....

Hard graft for the rest of the day. Not much food in the house, but too tired to go out to eat, so off downstairs to rustle up a late supper.

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