My Left Eye Is Right

By tantemoe

Coooool Man

Uncle Harold in May 1961.
Blip for SB:-)

Always a gentleman and a show stopper when it came to his visits home to Grandmothers.

All the kids would run yelling and screaming Uncle Harold, Uncle Harold!!!
We all loved him I know but the cash he handed out to us was the treat of treats.

He would spend time talking with each of us, ask about our goals and what we were doing to attain good grades.

If you were shy he would gather you in and make sure you were part of the group.

If any of Grandmothers sons were/are just like their Father to me it is Uncle Harold.

All the boys have some of the kind heart their father possessed but Harold gained the most from my point of view.

One of his younger brothers happen to be our Father;-)

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