Ladybird Ladybird
Today I needed to visit the Post Office, and took a detour by the river to get my Blip. The sun was out for a very short time, so I thought I'd try a shot of the river. But wjen I got there I could not believe how much ladybirds there were on the tables on the bank by the offices! No two were alike either - they are not the native English ladybirds. I don't know if they are harmful in any way at all, but they are pretty!
We have a new birdcage stand to replace the one broken by Minstrel! It is much better and sturdier, and places Jimmy higher up so he has a better view. It is harder for Minstrel to access too, resulting in some amusing falls from the windowsill on Minstrel's part. I thought cats always landed on their feet? No-one told Minsty!
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