
By DancingAly

Bank Station

It was rainy and grey today, as predicted. After two days of glorious sunshine, it wasn't a great motivator.

I did a couple of errands, then forced myself to go get my nails done. Ok, I like having pretty nails, but I get SO bored of sitting still while they do them!

The day felt quite short, as I had to go out at 4pm. I was meeting my friend in London. She saw a Halloween-themed singles night advertised at a bar near where she works, so we thought we'd give it a try! The clock change is depressing- it was practically dark at 4pm when I left! I managed to follow her instructions to meet her at Bank Station, where I took this picture. The sky was really cool, as it was foggy but all the lights made it look lighter than it really was.

I walked up to meet her at the Leadenhall Building, near the Cheesgrater, and was pleased with myself that I didn't end up in the wrong place! I'm somewhat navigationally challenged!

Unfortunately we both got a bit confused, and ended up walking around in a massive circle for about 20 minutes- only to realise the bar was in fact a few metres away from where we started.....!

We got a cocktail each (definitely my turn to pay next time!) and circled the room. A few guys spoke to us, and then we found a table. We had a catch up as the place got busier, then decided to do an obligatory lap of the room before heading off to get something to eat. Again, we were chatted up by a few people, but nobody we really wanted to carry on talking to! Plus, I got fed up and a bit embarrassed by having to explain for the 300th time that I'm a teacher.

We took the tube back to Waterloo, then found a little Pizza place near the station. After a nice meal and catch up, we headed back and got a hot drink at Pret, before catching the train back. I never fail to understand why the trains home take nearly an hour to do a 30 minute journey, but they do. I suppose it gave us extra time to talk, which we certainly did! (apologies to the two middle-aged gentleman in suits sitting next to us who had the pleasure of our gabbling, albeit in hushed tones!)

Home by 10pm, and then nice warm bath and bed. Quite a tiring day, but fun. Still pondering whether I could do this every day, the commuting part. The jury's still out..!

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