Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Some people would assume confidence is cocky and self centred. There is a fine line between the two.

I, personally, am confident. That doesn't mean I love myself or think I'm always right. I mean, I do love myself but in a content kind of way, not a 500 mirrors all around me kind of way.

Some people would think confidence is just a way to cover for insecurities. And in fact my confidence was from hiding my anxieties and making sure no one knew what was really going on. But as I've grown up and learnt not to care what anyone thinks, I just am confident. People might think this is weird for a girl to have any sliver of self confidence, shocking. But non the less, I do. It's not an act, not an image of something I'm hiding. I'm just me.

Happy Blipping.

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