
By MrsLollyBear

Exhausted from all the packing.

Tomorrow is my last day at my current job, not a thought I relish. I love my colleagues, they are more than that, they're friends. I will miss them very much, however life cannot stand still, else it will stagnate.
Friday we move 150 miles west, I don't know how to feel, the sadness at leaving friends hangs heavy.
All of our belongings (almost) are boxed, bagged or in suitcases, almost ready for Friday's upheaval.
Mollie has become increasingly unsettled by the packing taking place, poor moo doesn't understand.
All the following me round today has obviously worn her out, my legs and back are also tired.
In just a few days time she will be all settled in a lovely new home, a garden with new smells and fields nearby or sniffing adventures. Time to become a west country dog moo.

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