
By tpd


Half term and the +3's and +1/2 came into town to meet me for an early lunch: GBK so burgers it was! (although I did see some salads on the neighbouring table... shocking) +3/3 seems to be unimpressed by having his photo taken. Blurry? Yes. But I do love his expression. Very tasty burgers and milkshakes all round.

A landmark in the cycling world today*: 1015 commuting miles by bike in London. Time for a new chain and chainring. And to mark this auspicious occasion it was wet all day.

I subscribed to Deezer today - £10/month for unlimited music. I know, I'm about as late as it's possible to be to streaming music but that's mainly because the internet in Abernethy was pretty shocking (and I wasn't ever at home) and the mobile coverage and internet in the flat were non-existent. But the office has a nice, fat wifi network and we have fibre in the house. And I rather like The History Of Apple Pie.

Why Deezer and not Spotify? I have a soft spot for Deezer from when I did the original SimpleAudio integration.

* okay, maybe not really

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