If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Roe Deer

The weather was glorious after the days of torrential rain so in the afternoon I decided to go for a walk in the forest. Fortunately it wasn't a testing day! What is a testing day you are saying to yourself. Well the forest is owned by Malcolm Wilson of M-Sport who kindly allows the public access but they do test the rally cars in there. When I arrived in the car park there was a notice announcing there may be testing tomorrow and all next week.

Where I was headed there would be no cars even on a test day but the noise would spoil the tranquillity and scare the wildlife. As I wondered along I got all sorts of shot sunlight through trees, fungi, views of the fells and some wildlife. I missed the fox it heard me before I saw it and it was off. I did however see this Roe Doe from quite away off.

Unfortunately she was grazing on the track where they had been felling the trees giving me little cover. However I did manage to work a little closer before she sensed me. It wasn't helped by the fact that as I moved forward she grazed away along the path. Keeping the gap between us the same. So this is cropped a little.

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