Ladies who lunch

And Osscar

Five ladies went out to lunch.
The littlest, aged 8 weeks, slept through the entire adventure
The next littlest, aged 3 and a half, brought along her little friend, Osscar. He is her charge from Nursery for the half term week - and he seemed very happy.

She told me that when he went horse riding with one of the boys in her class, he fell off and broke his arm.
She told me that she took him to York at the weekend (and nearly left him in a toyshop! Mummy spotted him in time)

It was a lovely lunch.
Mummy, Granny and Aunt chatted and tucked in.
The next littlest ate her sausage and chips and ice cream - and wrote beautifully in her wipe clean book.
The littlest simply slept.

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