
By bivbov

Hair Cut successes and failures

ZQ wasn't keen to go to the Turkish Barbers, but was pleased with the result. Noo, on the otter hand, was very keen, but was a non result!! He predectably refused to have his hair cut.......again!

I went to the doctor's about my chest. It's a virus (I knew she'd say that) I should only come back when I've been coughing for another 2 weeks.. She did send me down to the nurse to have my overdue thyroid function blood test.....ouch!

Other exciting news - I am the only member of the household who can do a handstand!!! ZQ failed miserably, Noo cheated with a headstand, and I'm fairly confident that GravyC will refuse to do the test, thereby confirming his lack of handstand skills!!!!

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