@ la martelliere

By Turts99

Waving, not drowning

Small breakers on Bay of Lopness beach.

It's turned into a chilly but nonetheless gorgeous day. The kinda day that means I have to pay for electricity. I may have previously mentioned just quite how much I don't like that. Apart from that it's a gorgeous day.

Of course, all these clear skies does mean that the temperature is going to drop like a stone later. That'll take the edge off my enthusiasm even further, I'm sure.

Having established that the cats don't get on, things are about to get even more fraught when Lilli is introduced to the mix. I've done the maths. Two of us and three of them. It's just not possible.

What a horrible day.

Only joking. Can't wait. Deffo a fish and chips from the pub kinda day. Of course, while I'm there, it'll make perfect sense to have a bit of a stiffener just in case!

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