When Mr. HCB brought me a cup of coffee in bed this morning, and told me it was raining, my first thought was “I hope my pink rose is still all right!”

I got up about an hour later and decided that taking photographs of the rose outside was not an option, so cut it and brought it indoors, where I will enjoy its beauty, and then I played around, photographing it from all angles.

I know this rose is not perfect and I also know it's not a perfect shot. I realise that there is some disease on the leaves, which can blight the whole bush, but life is not perfect and if we think about disease, we MUST think about cancer and how it blights the lives of so many people, BUT, this rose is pink and it is PERFECT for the BCAM pink challenge.

The other thing that caught my eye was the shadows made by the leaves - two hearts - and as this month of pink challenges comes to a close, I dedicate these to my two inspirational friends, Nessie and Ros, and pray that especially today they will be truly blessed.

Please click on this LINK and know that as you do, you are helping someone to have a free mammogram. Thank you very much.

“Roses and thorns are parts of the same plant.
Somehow though,
some people are concerned
mainly about the roses.
The rose is not on the plant for more than a week,
but the thorns are there forever.
Roses are teaching
that the beauty of life will bloom,
once you have taught yourself the lessons
given by living with the thorns.”
Grigoris Deoudis

P.S. If you look very closely to the left of the shadows of the hearts, you will see a tiny spider - how often we miss the little things in life!

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