The Grey Came..........!!!
This was the view from my back door this morning and I think it sums up just how wet it was!!!!!
The rain bucketed down......Mel sat looking out the patio door and Kitty Boy sat looking out the utility room window......but neither were going anywhere in the wet!!!
I'm amazed my Geraniums in those pots are doing so well again...
I cut them back a good bit last week and they looked finished...
but it must be the mild weather that has brought them back a bit again!
I feel really good today after my 'getaway'....
it's energised me.....
and after shopping I made some Spicy Tomato & Lentil friend made it for my lunch on Sunday and it was I tried it out on B...he's home from school on his mid-term before the next round of his teacher training...
and he gave it the 'thumbs up'!!!
then I got some Bacon & Cabage for dinner and put an Apple Struesl Cake in the oven for desert!!....the smells were good!
and it turned into a lovely Autumnal evening......the rain's gone!!!!
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