
By TBay


I looked out of the back door this afternoon and it looked as if some one had sprinkled leaf confetti every where. It was so delicately strewn as if by fairys! Another sign of Autumn.

Spent a great deal of time today scanning old family photos onto my computer. As a bit of a Genealogist I just love this sort of thing. I acquired the photos after our clear out of Mr Tbay's mothers house last week. We now have an array of photos going back to the 1860's upwards.

Mr Tbay spent the day mowing lawns again.

Farming- Two on compost hauling. One of the Massey's need a bit of attention as it is not quite right so dealer spent most of the day trying to fix it. Mr Tbay Jnr loading tyres ready to go for re cycling tomorrow .

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