Fine Surgery

Domestic tasks to resolve today, like repairing torn clothes. Obviously not really my thing.

Can you imagine my father hoped I would become a surgeon one day?

I'm pretty sure I protected the world from a lot of mayor misery by not obeying dad's wish ;-))

Then again…

My dad did have one thing right as I kind of became a 'cosmetic surgeon' in photography :-))



It got even worse…

This was the inside of a torn pocket and I couldn't see the black tread against the black fabric in my badly illuminated room, so I had the brilliant idea to use a contrasting orange thread as it was the inside and it would be a blind repair from the outside.
When I was ready I reversed the pants inside out again and noticed I made another mayor goof-up. haha

Thank God I had a black textile marker to camouflage that :-)))

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