CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Marking a Milestone

Dull and overcast with rain showers.

A day to celebrate my 300th Blipday and I am happy to share it with Eleanor, my wife. Since I joined Blip we have shared the experience by going to many locations together, usually ending up having tea/coffee and cake. Eleanor has suggested ideas for a Blip on a few occasions when I have lacked inspiration.

I will say more about the whole Blip experience when I reach the end of my 365 challenge - but I am sure you know how much I have appreciated you all in recent weeks.

In other news - the Consultant from Aberdeen phoned this morning and arranged to see me on Thursday and then he will do the operation to remove the infected pacemaker on Friday. All being well, I shall be home on Saturday.

Even better news - the Insurance Engineer also phoned this morning and agreed to instruct the Garage to go ahead with the repairs since he worked out that the value of the car was within £20 of the estimated cost of the repairs! Hopefully, we will get the car back by the beginning of next week, but we have the hire car until ours is ready. I have no hesitation in saying that Direct Line have been fantastic throughout the whole Claim.

Hopefully, by next week, my body and the car body will be a lot better than they have been this last couple of weeks.

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