Journey Through Time

By Sue

Lewisville County Park

Today was my MRI to find out what the situation is with arthritis in my neck area. It was 1/2 hour long, and it is is like sitting next to a jack hammer for most of that time. It was the loudest darn thing! And I had ear plugs in, too. I had a really nice Tech and she was very helpful. Now I just wait for the doctor to give me a call later on in the week.

After I got out of there, I went to the library to drop off and pick up a new book and got my shampoo at JCPenney where I still get my employee discount. It helps with certain things that I get, like my shampoo. Then I went on over to the gym and walked for awhile on the treadmill. I didn't do my 2 miles today. Then I came home and Bill arrived shortly thereafter and we got caught up on what we'd done and what was next.

Most of the day's weather was really nice, so Bill was going to mow the lawn and do some other yard things, and I decided to make a run for Lewisville County Park, 8 miles north of us. It was really pretty in there and I experimented with some of my filters. And just to be clear, this image was processed with Picasa, not any filters of mine. Can't actually say that I know what the heck I am doing, but it was kind of fun to have the time to mess with it. This image is of one of the covered structures in the park. It's an old park and it's a great place for walking, jogging, hiking some trails, and enjoying the Lewis River and the picnic and play areas. Please feel free to look at some of the other images on my Flickr site.

Hope all is well in your corner of the world.

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