Completely addled!!

Into Bath on the bus yet again today, but not on a Bus Challenge. Having said that, the trip was quite a challenge, but mainly from the 'can-I-stay-upright-and-awake' aspect!

I only had a few errands to run but on the way home, I realised I'd forgotten to go to the bank, and to buy some goodies for Halloween, two out of the three jobs that I had to do! My busy few days have caught up with me, and my brain is completely addled!!

But it was good to get out and enjoy the Autumn colours of Bath, and the balmy temperature of 18c! Well I think it was 18c, I can't quite remember!?! ;)

Thank you so much to everyone for all your stars and little hearts for yesterday's blip. I appeared briefly on the Spotlight page this afternoon, and it made my day :)

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