I bet that you look good on the dance floor
On arrival at Monkey World, Si was saddened not to see any Orangutans.
He was also saddened to see no Chimpanzees.
When the Woolly Monkey took one look at him and hide behind the plants, he had almost had enough.
Poor Buddha got the worst of his temper.
Once we had sat down and had a cuppa and a bit of sausage he was calmer, so we went to look at the Marmosets. They weren't there either.
However, when we came back up DINDA was there, and LINGA and Osheen, and then Hanyatta's Gang were all out preening themselves, and then, we found Sally and Beautiful Lulu.
We decided it was probably time to leave and we started heading to the exit. I had been looking all round the park for the brick which Mum laid in my name.... but to no avail. Si wanted to go to the loo before we had a wander round the shop and whilst I waited, I had one last wander up the path... and lo and behold, there it was.
Si was so happy for me when he came out the loo, he had to go again.
After all that, we visit Salisbury. And had a wee pub lunch, at 3pm and then a visit to a junk shop (for you LeeAnne), and then the Cathedral which is gorgeous!.
My feet are hurting now, and I am resting up pending more venturing out tonight.
This taking a break is HARD work.
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