
October Word Challenge Day 27: Sign

I arrived home from my long shit combination just in time to start getting badgered by the dogs for their walkies. The heavy rain didn't seem to put them off and me making lunch didn't really give them cause to stop poking me either. They really didn't understand that the first thing I'd like to do after a long time away from home wasn't to go run them in the rain. Bless their little furry paws.

The walk wasn't so bad and I managed to get half of it in the dry before the rain persevered again. This only made the dogs run further and faster and more manically.

It was far too wet out to consider taking the camera so today's shot is the house sign...taken from the inside!

And now, for my next trick, I shall disappear again! Back to work for a late/sleep-in. I have managed to make My Gorgeous Man some fresh bread in the machine just so he doesn't forget that I'm still around ;) See you tomorrow, PW!

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