
By girlzilla09

The Nose Knows

1.) An Elephant's trunk can lift up to 770 lbs.
2.) Elephants trunks act like built in snorkels. Elephants can simply walk across a riverbed while holding the tips of their trunks up in the air.
3.) Trunks actually have "fingers." African elephants have two and Asian elephants have one. That is why African elephants can grasp objects by pinching the opposing tips of the trunk while Asian elephants must wrap their trunks around objects like boa constrictors.
4.) An elephant's trunk contains 40,000 muscles divided into approximately 150,000 individual units. The human body only has 639.
5.) The elephant has a sense of smell that is four times more sensitive than a bloodhound.
6.) When elephants are born, their trunks are stunted but begin to elongate in just a few days. Elephant calves don't really know how to fully control their trunks as of yet and often accidentally tread on them several times before they eventually gain full control over them.

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