
By Madchickenwoman


Flowers and pumpkins for sale at Cotehele! Bought the former!!!

Bit of a full on day - doing 2 sessions for Friends and Family in Plymouth tomorrow so updated 2 stories on Powerpoint - my first session with them. I know 2 of the children in the first session as they are my old pupils, but the rest unknown!! Range from 2 -8 with multisensory difficulties, autism and a child with Downs syndrome - an interesting mix of age and abilities so should be fun! Will be good to see them and their parents for a good catch up!

Also some house work as friend I have not seen in about 10 years is coming to stay - it takes a visitor to force me to clean the kitchen floor!!

Also friend from work who has just resigned and is taking up a post with SENSE in cambridge visited - hence the trip to Cotehele! She also helped me collect some lovely leaves for tomorrows session and came with me to put the chickens to bed - but she got 6 fresh eggs for her help! Eggs must be good as she then helped me gather resources from the 2 rooms upstairs where they have been dumped but not sorted since I left work. Took me a whole half term to gradually move them from my class to my home. There are boxes stacked high on every surface including the floor and barely room to move let alone find what you want - in moving the boxes you suddenly find you have boxed yourself in and can't get out!!

Having gathered fans, umbrellas, mice, scents, material, hats, scarves, water sprays.......w e then had a cup of tea and just in time as my terrace is experiencing a fluctuating power thing!!! Lights dimmed but fridge, cooker etc still on - but later I discovered not enough power to make an espresso on the George Clooney !!! Then my router went down hence late blip!!

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