Three little maids from school are we.

Curse the clocks
Curse them I say.
Munchie arrived in our room bang on 6am, except it wasn't, it was 5am! I tried to wake Lee sufficiently to say don't let her get into bed but take her back to hers, alas, sleepy head let her in!
Oh well.
We all cuddled in bed which is always lovely. I have toldbLee we need a bigger bed as I always seem to end up with one bum cheek hanging off the edge, whilst Munchie and Wom have tons of space.

Daddy went shooting, the girls came to play. Mostly they played well, but they all seemed to want to play with Woms bouncer, walker and jumperoo. We got really good at turn taking after a while! Love this capture of the three of them. All such individual loveable characters. Lucy came over too but didn't want to join in the madness of having her photo taken.

Munchie had some lunch, then asked to go to bed. We limited her sleep today, after an hour we went in every five minutes to try and wake her. She conned another half an hour out of us, but was very loveable when she came down so possibly worth it. She managed to make Lee and I cry. Daddy had to go to work this afternoon, meeting at Sellafield at 8am tomorrow! As he was leaving "Bye daddy, I will miss you, I love you, see you tomorrow"

Lazy tea as I was confused and tired as to what time it was, lots of cuddles and messing about. Munchie decided to read Wom stories for ages. She was sat in the baby pushchair, he was in the walker. They both had such fun. Bath competed. Very tired Wom who just seemed to be saying, come on mummy, it's way past my usual before, give me the milk and let me go to bed. Munchie also settled much quicker than she has for the last two nights.

Off to see grandma tomorrow. Need to buy Wom some bigger sleep suits and body suits for the not too distant future.

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