Simba's Stare

He hasn't been blipped for a while, so here's Simba when he'd just woken up and didn't have time to hide from the camera:-)

Somewhat breezy today!! Spent a lot of the time chasing things round the garden and trying to tie them down, but gave up when the rain came. Not a day for going out, so it was either Simba or the remains of the Boston Ivy (a few leaves and stalks - not a pretty sight!)

The concert by the Scottish Fiddle Orchestra last night was superb! As well as the huge orchestra and their very charismatic young conductor, Blair Parham (who can make his kilt swing like nobody else can!!), there were singers and dancers and lots of corny jokes from Jim McColl from the Beechgrove Garden TV programme, who has been their compere since 1993. The concert highlighted the vast repertoire of Scottish music and there were some new pieces as well as old favourites. A most enjoyable evening:-)

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