
By Peach

It was a bit of a strange day and a long one. My new flatmate moved in yesterday and gets up earlier than me so I woke with a start as I'd got used to being alone in the flat. He'd left before I'd come out of the shower and came back just as I was heading to Krav, so I?m not sure how much I'll see of him.

Krav was fun today, we did a strange race thing that was tiring but enjoyable. L was annoyed as C from Thursday's class wrote a massive rant about him on her blog which is linked through her facebook page when he's 'friends' with her and read it. A mentioned that she had been slagged off on C?s blog too, so when I got home I read through some of it and found out that I talk too much, don't take training seriously and hold the pads too high and she doesn't want to partner with me again. What a shame.

Anyhow rant over. This is my current book that I'm reading, I've not quite worked out what the story is about but I'm quite enjoying it.

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