No minute gone .....

No minute gone comes ever back again
take heed and see ye nothing do in vain.

We dashed into Harley Street again today to see Karen, big op tomorrow. On the way we passed Liberty's whose clock has this inscription and a revolving St George, hacking at the dragon, on the hour, every hour, as each hour chimes.

Arthur Lasenby Liberty first set up in half a shop at 218a Regent Street in 1875, using a £2,000 loan from his father in law. The shop sold ornaments, fabrics and objets d’art from Japan and the East. Within 18 months Liberty had not only paid back the loan but had got the lease of the other half of the shop.

Liberty's is built out of the timbers of two 19th Century Royal Navy ships: HMS Impregnable and HMS Hindustan. The length of the shop frontage is the same as that of the Hindustan. It was built in the traditional manner of a tudor building with no nails or glue. Arthur Lasenby Liberty didn't live long enough to see his new store, he died in 1917.

No idea where this quote originates;
No minute gone comes ever back again
take heed and see ye nothing do in vain.

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