Girls Alone

Our celebratory girls only spa 24 hours at Stobo was a marvellous success.
We ate far too much, drank far too much, laughed too much and had a wonderful bonding time.

His Lordship's store of Brownie points went through the roof when we found that each of our 4 bedrooms sported a bottle of bubbly, cooling in a bucket of ice.... and yes we managed to drink it all leaving an embarrassing waste paper basket full of empties. We even managed to find space to eat most of the chocolate birthday cake, not to mention the Cadbury's Roses chocolates.

And for all these calories, how much exercise did we do, I hear you ask.
Well some went to the gym, some did a Zoomba class, some went out walking, some swam and me, what did I do? Very little to be truthful.
The most calories I used were in wrestling my body into a too small bathing costume, lifting my fork and glass to my mouth and climbing into a bed that seemed inordinately high.
Daughter #3 gave me a present of a Stobo Top to Toe Sugar Glow massage which accounts for my Granny Apple cheeks in the Blip.

Clockwise from foot left -Daughter#4, Daughter#3, Daughter#1, Daughter#2 Daughter#5

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