
By TynvdB

The Song of the Flying Geese

What do we need? A place to live in freedom. A love to find back and share a meal. Some space to move around. A night to see stars. A wonderful song to sing. It would be so good if that would be all. But life can be tough, even unjust, full of misfortune, sickness, accident, fate. What would we be without deep trust that we can overcome pain, loss, sorrow, fear, death. Trust that there is an overall answer to all this negativity, incomprehensible to us.

Therefore we need an impossible courage to believe that such ultimate or primordial answer is given for all living beings, for all times, beyond time and space, beyond birth and death. Perhaps this is what we need most these days, such courage to believe in the impossible possibility of encompassing redemption. Perhaps that is what we needed most since time immemorial. To become men and women of deep faith, to become human in a superhuman way: Thou shalt be like God. Even after the Death of God. Or even more after and due to His Death.

When I look up and see the flight of the geese, toward the South, I can hear what they are singing. They keep the common faith for the joint flight, following their destiny to guard their natural faith: their Nature being God. Deus sive Natura, Spinoza said. As the geese follow through their natural flight the rhythm of the universe, we follow our destiny by keeping and guarding our courage to believe in compassionate love and redemption. So be it.

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