My camera and I

By Jacqui76

Always double check...

I took this photo in a hazy state of disbelief this morning. Every day, Monday to Friday, I set the alarm for 5:40am. This morning, the alarm went off as usual and I as per normal I switched it off, rushed out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead. Upon coming out of the bathroom, as is customary, I gave my husband a call to get up and after doing so I checked the nearest watch: 5:45. No. It couldn't be. There had to be a mistake. His batteries must be slow. Best double check with mine. 5:45. Aaargh!! Call to husband to stay where he was whilst cursing my own stupidity. Clearly what I had heard was an imaginary alarm clock in my dream, it certainly wasn't the real thing. Lesson learned? Always double check the time and don't assume that your current world is the real world!

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