
I had to go to Aberdeen today to collect my wife from the train station.
( she was part of the team that won the award for Placemaking - a performance project working with young people)
I stopped at the beach on the way in and noticed a couple of wind surfers and took some photos.
They were really zipping along in the strong breeze. These colours are natural.
I had an appointment at the Apple store as my iPad seems to be almost full despite me deleting hundred of photos. However, the "Genius" ( such a modest title Apple give their advisers) reckons that although the photos are deleted, the iPad still has kept that space so I will need to back it up before restoring factory settings. He gave me links to help but it all looks rather technical. I will leave it for another day!
Lunch with our son before coming home.
Another Saturday Night beckons. Hope you have a good one.
P.S. It's not me!
R.I.P. Jack Bruce.

Sent from my iPad

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