Strange day

Only took 2 photos today - both uninteresting - so messed around with this one to try and make something of it!
Note to self : NEVER drive anywhere in England on a Friday. Not if you want to remain sane.
I took AJ to Newark station for his boy's adventure to Bhutan. All prepared to blip him and luggage as he left me but was unable to get anywhere near Newark station. Who are all these people clogging the roads and where are they going?
Took over 2 hours to get back home ( usual journey time 50 minutes). Not very happy and then round at my friend's house as we were going for a curry got a phone call from Zoe my eldest daughter [ telling me she had won the camera for the Blip10 competition! Brilliant news and she was so chuffed - rightly so. I am a proud Mum tonight!!

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