Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

Spring is here!

Look at this tree, look at that sky. I bet you're thinking I've dashed off on some exotic holiday somewhere and I'm currently sitting by a pool, sipping cocktails and watching the world go by... but no, I'm at my desk in Belfast, doing maths.

It's the 1st of March and it looks like spring has arrived! Walking to work today was a real joy, one of those days that just makes you smile. The sun was shining and the trees were full of birds, like they've finally realised the winter is over too. Dozens of little ones darting from tree to tree, four magpies sitting in a row chattering away, and me out without my telephoto lens! Ah well...

I've backblipped for the past two days, I was down in Dublin with my amazing friends for the weekend so didn't get a chance to upload my photos. Check them out if you're interested :)

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