
By PaulShelley

Stir Crazy

Still shuffling about but improving every day. However, not able to get very far. So I ventured in to the charity shop to donate a few books from the big clear out of the last two weeks. And in there I spotted this CD - Best of Prefab Sprout.

What a great band they were from the early 90's -ish. Driving up to Snowdonia a few weekends ago my daughter, Julia, played their Cars and Girls song. What a brilliant track. Julia said that it reminded her of our summer holiday drives back from France when I played it all the time.

So for 2 quid I had to buy this. And there was a KD Lang disc in there too. But I shall have to save up another £2 before I can go back in to buy that one.

Altogether now..."Hot dog, jumping frog, Alberqurque..."

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