
Today I left the house a bit earlier than normal, leaving the woofer wander to be undertaken by my beautiful fiancée. The dogs did seem a little confused as I got into the van without them, but were only too happy to leap into the car and trundle off with HV.
I headed about as far south as I can on the mainland without crossing the barriers and changed an immersion element in a hot water cylinder. Remarkably it was one of the easiest I have done for a long time. On the way home I stopped off in town to deal with a couple of jobs which have come my way through the medium of my newly started facebook page. It is interesting to see the recommendations that are happening now that more and more people know my name.
Back home just before HV headed off to work - the first overnight shift she has done - and very glad to have seen her before she headed away.
Today's blip is an attempt to get something suitable for the October Word challenge of the day - the subject is leisure. My bike is something I only use for leisure. Gone are the days of scraping ice off the seat and spending time riding to and from work no matter what the weather was. Unfortunately the bike has lain too idle this past summer. I open the garage and see "Junior" most days, but the time to don leathers and brain bucket seems to evade me most days. I must try harder and ride it. I miss this view...

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