
By JanBee

Long shadows

In the glare of thought,
Figures cast their long shadows.
A remembered space.

..... went up to that London to see Mark in newly written opera "The anatomy of melancholia" OK - doesn't sound like the makings of a good night out, but the piece was intense and compelling, and included some beautiful Straussian music and singing....

These miniature terracotta seemed to me to be a metaphor for those who feel encased, buried and immobilised by their minds, silently enduring with untold others ..... at least thats what I thought ...

The venue was a former dairy near Battersea bridge called Testbed1, part of which is an interesting bar called The Doodle Bar, where you can have drinks and draw things on the walls ...

I don't know you turn your back for a moment and another formerly gritty part of London becomes cool ....

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