
By WeeDragon_J


I'm sure most of you heard me cursing this morning ;-P

My love of nature took an about turn for a few minutes this morning, when a dozy hiding Mr Wasp decided to leave his parting gift in my pinkie as I tried to open the window! Alas, Mr Wasp, has gone into the ether with a few unkind words attached to his being. Hopefully, to be re-energised as a non-biting beastie or non-jaggy planty, who knows. Body and the removed sting wrapped neatly in tissues, no taking anymore chances.

A have put some baking soda on it to cool down the heat, and reduce swelling hopefully, now wrapped hand in towel so no baking soda keyboard!

It's attacking my already damaged nervous system so feeling like toothache in my pinkie and wrist ouch! oucH! ouCH! oUCH! OUCH!

Oh autumn leaves as you blow and drift with the wind carry this spirit beastie onto his new path.

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