Times Of My Life

By CarolB

To Be (done) or Not To Be (done)

Arriving home tonight, I emptied my pockets before I hung up my coat in the cupboard under the stairs.

Contents of pockets: tissue, car keys, 'To Do' list.

Glad to see that for once, my list has more scored out than still to be done. At last I have got the car booked in to see if someone can sort out my intermittent screech. And, I e-mailed the plumber to ask if he can change a tap which has been dripping and wobbling since before we went on holiday in March.

I got Green Thumb paid for scarifying my lawn, (ha! how pretentious: my grass), and although I still have to pick up a brochure to look at new doors for the downstairs rooms, and get new red curtains for the windows on the stairs, I feel I have achieved something today.

The downside? I found out the clocks go back this Saturday.

How can that be???????

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