Off With Their Heads

Hi Tom

It's been a hive of activity around here today. I've had the painter in painting the stairs. It's all coming along quite nicely inside. Your bedroom looks nice. I know you didn't want it touched but I think you will be pleased with it.

The conifers were started on today as well. Had the cherry picker and a chipper delivered first thing. We are having about 20ft lopped off of all the conifers around the tennis court and the same around the paddock. We also have a few branches on trees which look dangerously near to falling off, I'd hate them to fall on anyone so they are going too. It's amazing watching how quickly the branches go into one end of the chipper and come out in tiny little pieces the other end.

They had to open the chain link fence around the tennis court to get the cherry picker in. It will all go back I'm told. Good job it wasn't started yesterday with the wind being so strong.

The kayaks also turned up today. They weren't meant to be here for another three weeks. It doesn't matter that they are here. I might have a paddle over the weekend.

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