It's Not A Sandhill Crane

Went to hear an old friend of ours play some tunes today in a place called JJ Finns in Tavares, Florida (EZ I'll be calling you the next time we go.) I've known her about 35 years and we have crossed paths on and off all that time. She is a very talented musician who has been playing for as long as I've known her.

JJ Finns is a restaurant on the water and she was playing on the outside deck from noon until 4pm today. Well, I'm glad I had my camera. (imagine that) Here is the Blue Heron, but I gotta tell you, I saw an eagle and so many osprey, I couldn't keep count. An amazing place for the birds. There was a fight with an eagle and an osprey, but they were too far away for me to capture. I did take lots of shots but trying to pan with the Tamron lens is not the right choice. Needed my Canon 70-200. Next time.

Monday is coming.

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