
By Igor

October word challenge; Culture (music)

I’m looking at the Taylor guitar website when I come across a dreamy shot of a guitar taken end on with only the bridge pins in focus. Thinks …..

If there are many guitar fans out there, it’s a Taylor Big Baby (GS Mini) and is just about the nicest guitar I’ve ever owned. And I’ve had a few (guitars that is).

I find that I am playing it every day. And I’m playing things that I wouldn’t normally have thought of. Last night I was googling for guitar music and came across the TAB for a plinky-plonky, finger style version of Smoke on the Water. I can now play that riff….

I don’t know what it is about this guitar that makes it so much fun to play. I’m voicing this out loud, to no one in particular, when Anniemay chimes in; “it’s just so cute and small”. So there you have it guitar fans; small is beautiful.

Thank you blip friends for your comments yesterday.

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