Two of a Kind?
This is the table in the kitchen where Phil and I eat all our meals*. It looks out on the front yard and the cul-de-sac where we live, although now that the plants have grown up, it's not so easy to see who's passing by on the sidewalk.
Our iPads tend to drift out here as well, and reflect our pasts -- mine has a keyboard case, appropriate for someone who earned her living as a writer and editor, while Phil's has a more attractive blue case. A retired engineer, he finds the keyboard on the iPad screen adequate for his needs.
And yes, I used that oddly-named "keyline" option under "Art" on my still-new-to-me camera. It's a lifesaver on dull days like this one, even though it does funny things to some of the colors (that wall is dark blue, not black, and the chairs are a medium blond tone, not red).
I'd hoped to bring you a Lake Padden photo today, but nothing I took was worth posting. The sky was dark, the wind was blowing hard in all directions, and my ears and fingers were chilled. It's time to pull out my Icelandic wool cap!
* We also have a table that seats 6-8 in the dining area, just past the kitchen, in case you were wondering...
Blip 1068
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