
By WeeDragon_J

Iron Shirt

Very busy with foodbank, 3 volunteers doing their chosen volunteer day with us. Plenty of marking to do, rest of us making up packs. Knackered but in a good way.

This is a pile of ironed t-shirts *shame* been thru all my summer and winter ones before washing. Never used to bother with ironing unless for my work, special things or my martial art kit - probably over-ironed. But when Jim was ill in hospital, one of his friends moaned that his pj's were scruffy and weren't ironed. Yet Jim wouldn't let me iron his work shirts :-D I know what I really wanted to say, but just couldn't, as the guy probably would have got the full wrath dressing-down with knobs on ... and more!!!

So with iron(ing) (T-)shirt Chi Kung ;-) I resist some days, breathe and posture my way thru, but now curse other days of feeling guilty and of having to iron stuff.

Iron Shirt Qigong is a form of physical, breathing and internal exercises to strenthen the body to withstand impacts. It is practiced by the Shaolin Monks
and those that study Shaolin Kung Fu.

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