
I spotted Camila Batmanghelidjh looking at this bus on Friday Street. She is the founder of Kids Company, one of the charities to benefit from the sale of the buses. She nipped into the building before I could ask to take her picture or even get a better shot.

Childhood on a Bus by Arizona Smith.
Many young people that I know and who I have met at Kids Company have spent nights in their childhood sleeping on buses to escape street homelessness. I wanted to show the public a reality which goes uncounted due to a lack of statistics and resources. My bus represents the reality and the fantasy of living on a bus, the inside showing the harsh, cold light of different types of children and young people sleeping on a bus while the outside shows the elements of childhood imagination which makes the experience bearable. This bus is to both educate the public and pay homage to the dignity and resourcefulness of young people who find solace on buses.

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