Last night, my great Nan, May, passed away. She was 99 and almost a half, and had actually been quite healthy (aside from being a bit doolally) up until having a fall last year. Since then she's been in and out of hospital for surgeries and such, and had to go into a home earlier this year.
I'm not sure why but I always thought she'd break the big 100. She was quite a stubborn lady, and her staunch support of the Royal Family (I always crack up remembering how Nana once commented that she hoped I'd get to meet Prince Harry one day, because we're roughly the same age and might've ended up getting married! ^_^) made me think that she'd force herself to keep going until she hit 100 and got a letter of congratulations from the Queen. I guess it just got too much.
I'm gonna miss Nana. Even though, for the past couple of years, she hadn't really been herself (dementia is cruel, and the sooner we can figure out how to fix it, the better), I'm sad to see her go. She was a proper fighter; I was beginning to think she was invincible, that nothing could bring her down. At least now she is at peace; I know towards the end that even simple things like chewing and swallowing were so hard for her, and I think she's had a brilliant run.
This picture was taken at my wedding in May 2011; she would've just turned 96 (if you can believe it, because she doesn't look it!) I'm so happy she was able to come to the wedding and share in our special day. I love Nana loads and will never forget her. The last time I saw her, a couple of weeks ago in the home, she kept singing old wartime tunes and nursery rhymes. She had a sweet voice. I'll try to bust out a tune for her x
Goodbye Nana. I love you. xxx
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