
By Memories4Me

The Colors of Autumn

Dear Diary,

The landscape is turning into more rust colored tones now. People in the store yesterday were bemoaning the fact that "there was no more color left" so when I got home I went looking for color in my yard.

It maybe true that the bright oranges, yellows and reds are fading on the hills but you can still find small spots of intense color here and there if you look closely enough. I must say that I enjoy this subtle transition to the muted and subdued colors of late October. The quietly winding down and "browning" of the season. The warm days have now past and there is a decided chill in the air this morning.

I am hosting the first "gardener's gathering" this afternoon. There is no formal garden club in my area so I'm hoping we can do something informal from time to time. We'll see what comes out of it.

One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides.

- W.E. Johns, The Passing Show

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