
A cracking morning with the sun shining, the wind down and the sea down on the shingle beach below the cottage calm for the first time in a couple of days. So, to make the most of it we headed out over to the other side of the island for a return visit to the seal colony at Scalpsie Bay. A lovely trip out - less seals in total than on Sunday but those that were out swimming and basking were more concentrated in one spot, so the actual ‘main bunch’ if you like was actually larger, around fifteen just off the shore.

After an unexpectedly huge pub lunch at the Kingarth Arms down near Kilchattan Bay there was a little trip up to Rothesay before walking home along the coast road for a few photos and a bit of much-needed post-lunch exercise. Some packing-up ahead of tomorrow’s departure and family games back at the cottage.

Right, best press on with that book…it’s not going to read itself after all.


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