'Mingo Congrats

When I downloaded the Blipfoto App onto my iPad Mini just shy of 500 days ago, I never in my wildest dreams imagined what a wild and wonderful ride it would turn out to be. Thinking about photography and shooting daily has made me a more conscious, creative, and appreciative photographer. I have always enjoyed writing and blipping has given me a reason and an outlet on which to hone those skills...even my spelling has improved!

I view as many of my BlipFriends' entries as I possibly can, sometimes commenting...sometimes not, but always appreciating their daily images and their banter even when I choose not to join in. It warms my heart to know that there are so many out there who, like me, are just trying to live their lives the very best ways that they can. And I love that we are given this chance to share bits and pieces of our lives with each other, safe in the knowledge that there are no judgements or expectations here beyond our own. Such a Warm and Welcoming place!

So thank you BlipCentral for all of this. I am honored to add this Red Balloon to all the rest...wishing you a Happy and Wonderful 10 Year Birthday/Anniversary!

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