
Quite a different view from the last couple of days, about an hour's drive away. I went for a hike with two colleagues, without crampons or snowboots, just wearing normal hiking shoes. That was not the best idea ever :P
Almost everywhere the snow was iced over and we had to really hit our shoes hard at it to dig in the shoes. The way up was a bit slow and scary at times, but not too bad. The way down was 10 times scarier, some pretty steep bits, had to get down on my backside here and there. But we made it in the end :)

The photo shows a bit where we walked up, you can see the 'path' go down on the right side.

On our way back we heard a helicopter. We'd seen two people go down a mountain on the other side of the valley from where we were and we wondered if something went wrong there or it was just an exercise. Later on we met a journalist who explained to us that at least one of those people had fallen and had to be rescued. When we were almost back at the rifugio we saw the helicopter land and somebody taken out of it on a stretcher. I felt horrible and hope the injuries were not too bad..


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