
4years 361days

This coming weekend is one of the absolute highlights of Katie's year. She plans her birthday parties for months in advance. She's not interested on asking for presents, thinking about what she can get this time. She told my dad with no uncertainty that for her a birthday list is a list about who is coming to her party. This evening we spent time preparing for it.

She was quite disgruntled to learn we were driving to school this morning. This is only the second time we have done so. She likes her walks/cycles. She said she spent the whole day outside. Her friends were being horses, she was Jessie. She had some homework to do so we got that out the way.

She went to gymnastics with her friend. I got a text midway through saying she was doing an excellent job, was very focused and did great. They had tea together after, watching the big girls before she came home.

Tonight she's helped pack party bags, make strawberry sherbet cups, giant marshmallow pops, lick the spoon of her cake mix and fell asleep on the sofa three minutes after asking to watch a bit of television.

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