Delicate Lacework

Bob dydd Gwener dw i'n mynd i ddosbarth Cymraeg. Dyn ni'n treulio llawer o amser nawr jyst siarad gyda'n gilydd. Dw i'n meddwl fy mod i'n dechrau deall mwy. Ar ôl y dosbarth es i yn ôl i fy meic a welais i'r ddeilen hon ar y lawr. Ro'n i'n hoffi'r gwaith les cain, fel sgerbwd y ddeilen.

Every Friday I go to Welsh class. We're now spending a lot of time just talking together. I think I'm starting to understand more. After class I went back to my bike and I saw this leaf on the floor. I liked the delicate lacework, like the skeleton of the leaf.

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